Did anyone else notice the beautiful sunshine this morning? I left for the gym at 6am, when it's normally pitch black outside, and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by the daylight. I'm so excited for brighter mornings and evenings. I'm ready for spring!!
So today was Day 1 of the Pre-Cleanse, which I must say is pretty similar to what we eat every day. HOWEVER...since I kept reminding myself "cleanse, cleanse, cleanse, detox, skinny, healthy, detox", I did feel a bit hungrier than normal by 5pm. Most things relating to health/feelings/appearance are quite mental for me so this came as no surprise. My main goals for today were to eliminate coffee and dairy - refined sugars are definitely more of a treat for us and we already eat pretty low carb. What I took from the Blueprint, is that the point of the pre-cleanse is to start preparing yourself do without things you normally indulge in, a little at a time.
Since Louis and I are doing this together, I figure that we will need to approach the pre-cleanse a bit differently from each other. I already eat around the same number of calories that you get on the actual cleanse, but obviously Louis and I don't eat the same amount each day. He eats a little more of everything. He also typically eats on the run during the days, while I have the luxury of a kitchen at work to prepare my food and eat at a table or my desk. For today, I made him a little bit extra to help get through the day. Tomorrow I'll change it up for him a bit, eliminating all meat.
Here's what we did - It's a his/hers kinda thing:
First thing (5:30am) - Prior to working out I normally have water and a coffee. Today I had a raspberry hot tea that has a little caffeine.
Breakfast (8am) - Apple with peanut butter. This is a pretty standard breakfast or snack for us. I made two pitchers of iced tea, the kind mentioned above as well as a Peach Detox (caffeine free). I squeezed half a lemon in each. I had a glass of peach with my breakfast, Louis had a glass or two throughout the day. Both flavors are really delicious without any kind of sweetener.
Snack - I had a peppermint caffeine free tea when I got to work. I'm used to making a coffee, so I needed some sort of kitchen activity.
Lunch (12pm) - Louis went for his wrap (probably a little before 12) and I had the salad. The wrap is low carb, 6 total net carbs, everroast chicken, cucumbers, arugula, pepper, oregano. The salad was pretty hearty today because I was afraid of getting hungry (even though I make a salad every day for lunch...it's mental I'm telling you). It was a mix of arugula and spinach, red bell pepper, sliced garlic, tomatoes, almonds, cucumbers, shaved carrots, avocado, topped with lemon juice.
Snack (3pm) - Louis had his salad and an apple with peanut butter. I chopped up an apple into bite size pieces...a little trick that feels like you're eating more than you actually are.
I had another hot tea, caffeine free lemon before heading home from work.
Dinner (7pm) - Halibut topped with salt, pepper, cayenne, oregano, and paprika pan seared for 4 minutes on each side in a little sunflower seed oil. Steamed broccoli and cauliflower along with a side salad.
Post Dinner (7:30pm) - Peanut butter banana milkshake.....I can't tell you the details on this because I'll be posting my recipe for this soon - but it's dairy free, sugar free, super low cal and carb....also delicious.
As you can see we really had no reason to be hungry at all today. I've been cutting back on cheese/dairy for awhile now so it wasn't too much of a change although I do normally enjoy a little feta or fresh parmesan on my salad and veggies.
Tomorrow we will phase out a bit more!!
Happy Monday!! Hope you enjoyed the beautiful day as much as I did.
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