Well, it's Friday and once again this week flew by. I've been having trouble leaving myself some time to be unproductive as of late. I literally fill every last second of the day with mostly essential things, but the problem is I never know when to stop the productivity. For example, when 9pm rolls around I sometimes find myself whipping out ten pounds of vegetables for a big juicing session. About half way through I typically want to throw myself onto the floor in a fit of hysteria, but I find satisfaction in pushing myself through until I have finished enough servings to get us through the next day or two. Or in the morning, I think I need to cook 25 meals before I can leave for work - even if I only have 15 minutes to spare. Next week my goal is to schedule down time...because I am feeling worn out I tell ya.
Moving on, I had a great gym session today that I'm excited to share!
I told you...my gym is EMPTY in the mornings. But that's fine. Makes me feel like a celebrity having the whole place to myself.
Even though there's not much of a view, I love getting to workout by these windows. Above are all of my tools for todays Abs Circuit.

I felt awesome after this workout! My arms were tired, core felt tight, and I was super sweaty. I'll definitely be doing this one again on my non-cardio days. It took about 40 minutes to complete and I added ten minutes of stretching on each end. I always try to leave ample time for stretching because it's really so important. It helps the muscle recovery process and to prevent injuries. I've been focusing a lot on stretching out my hip flexors and hamstrings lately since they both seem to be a bit tight.
Visuals & Tips:
Plank Walkouts – I couldn’t find a good video of this,
but when I took a crossfit class one time this was an exercise we had to do.
Start in push-up position. Keeping legs straight, slowly walk them up as far as
you can towards your hands. Weight should be in your shoulders, you should feel
a stretch in your hamstrings, and your core should be tight. When you have gone
as far as possible, walk your hands out to the starting pushup position. That’s
one rep.
Weighted Sit-up – I started out with a plate but switched to
a barbell because it’s a little easier to handle as you increase weight.
*Don't break between sets or circuits to get your heart rate up!
If you have questions on any of the exercises, you can
usually find a good visual and description on bodybuilding.com, through a
google search, or you can message me and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction.
Then I stood out in the yard for a bit...because it's so gorgeous out today. I just wanted to lie in that hammock and never get up!
Louis works late again tonight, which is okay since I have to clean and do a few other boring chores around the house. I have a couple of exciting things on my agenda for tomorrow - running the Williamsburg Bridge (hopefully if it's not raining) and Jane is coming to visit! Our first official guest in the new apartment. I'm super excited to see her. Not really sure what we'll be up to other than brunch and probably lots and lots of talking. And laughing. I can't wait!
What fun things are you up to this weekend?!
How do you balance your productivity and relaxation without feeling like you're wasting time?
Sweetheart I think we have to change our mind set. It is not healthy to be productive all the time. We are "human beings" NOT "human doings." It is emotionally and physically healthy and necessary to rest, relax,meditate, and have time to allow our bodies to rejuvenate. If we don't allow it our bodies will retaliate. You will become sick and distressed as your body will shut down on its own. It is crucial!!! Don't test it. It is ok if somethings don't get done or if you pick up dinner. I love you.