The last couple days have been less hot and I am so terribly afraid that summer is already on it's way out!! I'm trying to think positive and bring back the heat wave we had a few days ago....because I'm definitely not ready for the lovely seasons to start changing just yet.
We've been jamming in tons of favorite things lately which has left me with very little down time. I think it finally caught up to me this weekend! Yesterday for the first time in as long as I can remember, I had nothing to do. Not one thing! I woke up, made Louis breakfast, attempted to buy Pearl Jam tickets, then went back to sleep for 4 hours. Yep, you read that right, 4 hours!! I woke up around the time that Louis was done with work and got ready for a little date night just at the end of our street. We had delicious thai food, then came home and watched Coffee Town - a movie. Have you seen it? It was pretty cute. I'm dying to see Spring Breakers but Louis is convinced it's too weird and we'll feel awful after watching it. So, I settled for Coffee Town.'s what I've been up to...
Beachin @ the Rockaways

DeFab found this awesome taco stand and frozen ice shop. We got the most amazing fish tacos and plantains. I've been craving it since. I made my own version of chicken tacos this week but I definitely want to attempt these fish tacos soon.
To. Die. For.
Pineapple and coconut italian ice. So light and tropical!!
BBQ hangouts at home... (chicken, corn, quinoa pasta shells topped with grilled baby broccoli. If you haven't grilled broccoli it!)
With cousin Dahni.
I ran my first race...alone! Now the Spartan was a race but like I said, there wasn't much running so I was ready for an actual run - Boomers Run to Breath. I planned to do it with a friend who had to go home last second, so I stuck it out and went solo. Of course it took place during the heat wave, so everyone was freaking out, and they changed it from a 10k to a 4 mile. I complained about that the night before but I was grateful on the day of.
Can you imagine a prettier place for a race?
Beautiful Central Park. I loved the pre/post race time when everyone was hanging out, stretching, warming up, and cooling down. Probably because I love to people watch....and since I'm new to the running world I liked scoping out everyone's shoes and outfits. It was a really cool experience to run with a big group of people and I will definitely be signing up for another soon.
A big cheesy smile....I was pretty glad it was over. I was SO HOT and I was SO thirsty. I asked a stranger to take this picture of me and was quite shocked at just how gigantic my smile was looking.
I calmed down a bit after some gatorade and a banana and asked someone else for a retake. Next time I'll try another pose. The left hand on the hip is starting to seem redundant. I was pretty proud of myself for doing this alone and I was happy that I ended up loving it.
Afterward I went on a walk and stopped at this market in brooklyn. Yum!
Also, one of our fave kids had a birthday we hopped over to PA for a celebration. We went to this big bounce house place...with slides and all kinds of fun things for kids. Isn't this pic of Towns the cutest? He loved the slide!!
Godpapa and Godson...hanging out and talkin Spiderman.
Can't believe this girl turned five!!! So glad they live close by and that we get to be there for days like this. I really love them!!

Favorite thing I made all week? These brussels. Shave or slice super thin, and toss into the wok. I'll put an actual recipe up soon because they are amazing..and I'm super obsessed with brussel sprouts!

Louis FINALLY got a new computer. I'm writing from it today!! So nice to have a normal, functioning computer. Our's were from 2006 and were barely running. Constant beach ball if you will.

This week was pretty crazy. My boss was out...for the first time since I started. I loved the challenge and busy-ness (NOT business, busy-ness) of it all, however I'm quite glad he'll be returning this week. Here I am trying to not have coffee...and hype myself up with some delicious WATER.
And ended the work week with a super fun hangout with these girls. We all used to work together and now we don't so I look forward to any chance I get to see their pretty faces. Aileen got tickets for Cirque Du Soleil, and took all of us to see it with her at the Barclays Center. We had a suite, which was a first for me and so fancy and fun!
And I didn't stop myself from devouring the fabulous Barclays food....sliders and mac n cheese? Yes, please!

Love this girl!
The show was awesome and surprisingly, even funny! I love anything like this...with dance, acrobats, was a beautiful performance!!
And now we are off to the market to get a few items for the week. This weekend has been so peaceful and relaxing. Our home is so quiet...I just love sitting in here and doing nothing. I hope the day passes slowly....not quite ready for it to be Monday just yet.
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