Monday, October 15, 2012

Numba 2...Derek. Jeter.

The Yankees are in the playoffs if you haven't heard, and since I'm a PRETTY big fan these days, they're taking up quite a bit of my time. We have season tickets this year which has been awesome. I love going to the games---from wearing my yankee gear, the strolls around the stadium, people screaming and jamming into one another, smell of garlic fries and delicious treats, our dinners at Mohegan, giant cold beers, hot chocolates, carvel ice the actual watching of the game of's become one of my favorite things to do in New York.

Louis spends a lot of the time explaining what's going on---things like sneaky base (a stolen base), pinch hitter, base hit, infield fly..well--thats alllll new to me. I usually have a few questions as well during the game, which he rarely has the answer to...

"Why is everyone always booing ARod?"
"Is ARod sad?"
"Do you think Derek Jeter likes ARod now or not?"
"Does Swish have a GF?"
"Do the YMCA guys get sick of doing the YMCA?"
"Did someone get hit by that ball?!"
"How old do you think Granderson is?"

I wish I could say I was just as involved in the games when watching from home, but I'll be honest, I usually don't start paying attention until the 7th inning. This weekend I watched Grey's Anatomy (who knows why I put that depressing misery on's SO SAD ALWAYS) during the first part of the game and made it back to the living room in time for Raul to do his crazy home run play that should have won us the game..but didn't. Louis and I ran around the room screaming and dancing which was fun, but after all the overtime on Saturday we finished watching in the bed...very sad about losing Home Game 1 (vs detroit).

Sunday I raced around all day getting my stuff done before we had to leave for Home Game 2..and as we were heading out the door we realized our tickets were for Home Game 3. Which who knows if there will even BE a Home Game 3 now....but needless to say I was pretty annoyed that I had gotten all the way ready, did my hair, slathered on a face full of makeup, and we didn't even have tickets. HUSBANDDDD! He went out to watch it with some friends and I did some cooking for the week, then turned it on at the top of the 7th of course. We weren't doing that great and it was a little boring...but I did some research on hottest baseball wives of all time which led me to this amazing picture the Swish:

I did end up having a fun outing after our LOSS...because I went to Pete's Candy Store to watch Louis play with Chris Staples. He won't like it if I do too much here are some photos that I snapped.
getting ready/pre-drinking solo
Cousin Dahni a little crazy after some whiskey.
Chris Staples
That's the guitar I just got him!

Louis was a little tipsy after that Yankee loss...but he was entertaining AND great just like always. He even played one of my top favorite songs (most all are my favorite but I have 2 top faves)---Rumors, Rumors. Fabulous way to end the weekend...or begin the week.