Wednesday, March 20, 2013 new space!

Well, hello! I am so excited to be writing from my new and very official blogger space - KFabNY! I worked with a designer over the past few months (and by *worked* I mean I told her about myself and did a really fun survey about my inspiration and ideas for the new the image) and she created this beautiful design. I am thrilled with the outcome and hope you love it as much as I do.

Here is a quick tour and some fun facts about the new space...

Let's start at the top! This is a lifestyle blog, so I get to write about my life which happens to be in the best place ever, New York. I moved here three years ago and am still crazy excited every day that I get to live in such an amazing city. I reside in Brooklyn, and work in Manhattan, so I get to experience both on a regular basis. Since living here has shaped and changed my life, a lot, I knew that I wanted New York to somehow be incorporated in the new design. So there you have it, a perfectly adorable skyline!

The name. In college I was given the nickname, KCart. It has stuck with me for the past 6 years, and everyone from new friends, old friends, and family still refer to me as KCart. Now that my last name has changed from Carter to DeFabrizio, people have started calling me KFab. I'll always answer to KCart, of course, but I'll be writing, tweeting, instagramming, etc...from KFabNY.

One of my favorite parts of the design is the silhouette, because it's really me! Louis took a profile photo of me and Natasha (the designer!) fancied it up. I've always found my profile to be a bit distinct because of my uppity nose, so perhaps you already recognized that it was me. If not, now you know!

Buttons! Home, About, and In the Kitchen are self explanatory. Shop and Sponsor are probably the two you are wondering about the most. For now nothing will be going on with those pages. As the blog grows, I have a few ideas that I'll be developing and writing about. At this point they are placeholders and motivation for me!

Sidebar buttons on the right are series and features that I post about. They break up the blog into a few categories. StrutCut, in addition to being my old blogging name, highlights travels, activities, adventures, concerts, and random fun things that I get to do. I Like It is where you can read about items, products, clothes, movies, books, and special days that I like. BluePrint Cleanse and Wedding are easy to figure out! I love reading about other people's weddings and engagement stories so I decided to highlight mine as well.

Social Media buttons link you to the different sites I participate in - twitter, insta, bloglovin, google+, and pinterest. You can also subscribe to the blog via email at the bottom of the column.

Daily Reads are blogs that I keep up with on a regular basis. I do switch them out sometimes, but I find them all to be inspiring, interesting, and super fun to read.

Archives are for if you want to take a look back in time and see what I was up to back then.

Well, that's it for now! This month is just zipping right by so I'm trying to slow down a bit and enjoy all of the wonderful stuff that's going on. Hope you all have a fun and exciting Wednesday!

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