Sunday, April 26, 2015

Being Pregnant

Being pregnant has been one of my most favorite experiences ever. I've loved watching and feeling my body change each week and seeing how these little babies are growing and growing. I'm currently  around the size I'd be at full term if I were carrying one big baby. I wear a huge brace under my clothes, and sometimes over, for extra support because I feel gigantic. My back always throbs, my ribs feel like they are cracking, I'm out of breath just getting up off the couch, but if that's the worst I have to deal with - I'll take it.

We just made it to 33 weeks, which for twins is a really big deal! My doctor told us to be prepared to meet them at 28 weeks because twins are known for making early appearances. At this point, each extra week we get, feels like a bonus. I'm so grateful they're getting stronger and bigger every second. 

Early pregnancy is pretty scary. I imagined that after a positive test I'd be overjoyed for weeks to come, however that wasn't the case. When I first started seeing a bump and feeling our babies move is when I felt we could finally celebrate this pregnancy. 

Here's the three of us starting at around 16 weeks, just after Christmas.


Yesterday I was in my pajamas the entire day other than about 5 minutes to take our weekly picture and to welcome Louis home from work.  I'm pretty bored most days. My body cannot do much so I spend most of my downtime sleeping, reading or watching tv, which I'm sure sounds amazing, but in excess it gets a little old. I wish I could be outside enjoying the gorgeous weather but the time will be here soon enough. 

Since I can't cook anymore, Louis has taken over in the kitchen and has been making us delicious dinners. He is the best. 

Enjoying these last few weeks of just us! 


  1. Love all the news & pictures. Such an exciting time in your life. I'm sure your boys (all 3 of them) feel your love. Good job Louis on cooking & extra TLC. I especially like the last pic of you four with the Cross on the wall & Grandmum's mixer on top of the cabinet - endearing! Love to all of you from Auntie Joy

  2. Kristen, you look fabulous!!! So happy you are really enjoying this pregnancy. I cannot wait to see pictures of your boys when they make their arrival. Thanks for sharing this time with us and allowing us to enjoy it with you :) God Bless you and your beautiful family!

    1. Thanks, friend! Love seeing your updates and pics of your beautiful girls! xo!

  3. You look great! I never thought I'd say it, but I do miss being pregnant (sometimes) and feeling those little flutters... it must be magical to feel two in there! Good luck over these last few weeks. xo

    1. Thank you! :) It is crazy to think that soon I won't be pregnant anymore! I wanted to be for so long and now it's almost over so that is for sure a weird feeling.....I think I will miss the earlier pregnancy days of the flutter but in my current state I feel about ready for them to be out. :) Loe seeing pics of your sweet boy!! Are you still writing in your blog I can't find it?!

  4. Sorry for my typo ;) so happy for you guys and love these pictures! Xo
